These cool cats make me laugh while inducing bouts of jealous rage:
One of the things I like best about attending an art school is meetin' and cavortin' with other students and cool-assed faculty and staff. Unfortunately, a lot of my friends are like me and don't have a website dedicated to their work so I can't show them off, but here are a few of my SAIC faves that do:
Although it's important to move forward, it's just as important to study the past.*
-The magical, the mysterious, the perfect, Henry Darger
-My drawing teacher, Richard Deutsch had a David Hockney drawing pulled for us to see in the Prints and Drawings Department at the AIC. It was amazing. Apparently he's done lots of these really well-done contour line drawings. Unfortunately, his website doesn't have too many, but if you're interested, do some research or hop over to the P&D Department and check out a real one that's not behind glass.
*There are so many people I want to talk about (including a brilliant draftsman that did nudes with conte crayon on tinted paper whose name I cannot remember). I'll continue to post information about artists that bring me joy.
La dee da.
Anna, do you ever find it easier to engage with and appreciate art made by people you know? I feel as though I am more inclined to name people I know as my "Favorite" artists and writers.
Yes. It's funny that you bring up the notion of being engaged with art. I was just having a conversation with my Mom about how shock art is completely disengaging to me. The idea of alienating the audience that has made an effort to see your work is completely obnoxious and I feel that in art, especially theater, you've got to make your audience relate to the work in some way, in order for them to leave feeling like they've seen something good. When seeing a piece by a friend, a theatrical performance or otherwise, it's so much easier to engage. Looking for clues that might suggest your involvement in the work is a way to feel closer to the art and to the artist.
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